The ICE GENESIS project is being carried out by a consortium (led by AIRBUS OPERATION SAS) made up of 30 EU and non-EU partners from 9 countries (France, Austria, Italy, UK, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and Japan).
Each ICE GENESIS partner offers the multi-disciplinary expertise which is required in order to impact the aeronautical sector and to provide the expertise needed to meet the expectations from the participants, the industry and the European Commission.
ONERA is a public multi-disciplinary research organisation created in 1946 in which scientists and engineers make concurrent progress in theoretical, computational and experimental research. Through the value of its highly qualified personal and the high quality of its facilities, ONERA makes decisive contributions to progress in aerospace research.
Within ONERA, the activities of Department “MultiPhysics for Energetics” (DMPE) are mainly focused on the elaboration of models and multidisciplinary numerical tools for aerodynamics, reactive flows, heat and mass transfers, multiphase flows, acoustics, in-flight icing, etc. ONERA DMPE is also equipped with small and large scale facilities devoted to the study of combustion in gas turbine and rocket engines, pollutant emissions, aerodynamics, acoustic and icing phenomena. The objectives of the experimental studies performed with these test rigs extend from building databases for the validation of codes and models used in numerical simulation to applied research for evaluating the performance innovative new aeronautical and space systems.
Within DMPE, the icing team is in charge of developing models and numerical tools intended for the needs of the aeronautic industry. ONERA icing numerical tools are currently used by Airbus, Dassault, Safran, Zodiac and Liebherr for both design and certification purposes. At European level, the icing team was strongly involved in the HAIC and STORM FP7 research projects (SP leader and WP leader respectively) and will coordinate the MUSIC-haic H2020 project that has been recently accepted and that will be devoted to ice crystal icing modelling. ONERA is also involved in several national projects like PHYSICE, CORICE or GENOME and as well in a collaborative research project with NASA named SUNSET.
ONERA will lead WP9 and will coordinate the work related to the development of improved numerical capabilities at project level. ONERA will perform SLD impact experiments in their research IWT, will develop models for SLD’s and ice accretion roughness, will implement these models in their 2D and 3D icing tools, will perform validation tests, will implement and validate a new numerical methodology for 3D ice accretion based on automatic remeshing.
ONERA will be involved in WP3 where it will provide the developer’s point of view for tool specification and lead the literature review deliverables for liquid and snow icing conditions.
In WP10, ONERA will develop models for snow icing, will implement these models in their 2D and 3D icing tool, will perform validation tests.