The ICE GENESIS project is being carried out by a consortium (led by AIRBUS OPERATION SAS) made up of 30 EU and non-EU partners from 9 countries (France, Austria, Italy, UK, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada and Japan).

Each ICE GENESIS partner offers the multi-disciplinary expertise which is required in order to impact the aeronautical sector and to provide the expertise needed to meet the expectations from the participants, the industry and the European Commission.


Polytechnique Montréal is one of Canada’s largest applied-research universities.

Role in the project

POLYMO will take part of the activities regarding improvement of 3D ice accretion numerical methodologies (IBM) under WP9. They will also develop 3D statistical-based ice accretion simulation capability.
Under WP11, POLYMO will contribute to the selection of the test cases from WP8, run the selected test cases with their own icing tools and cross-check the results with the other partners. They will participate to the identification of limitations and best practices.