This report describes the first droplet temperature measurements carried out a small IWT at the Technical University of Braunschweig (TUBS) for small and large droplets, under Appendix C conditions. Additionally, the preliminary computational work carried out at TU Braunschweig to estimate the droplet temperature in the icing wind tunnel will be summarized in this report. The influence of the injection temperature, injection velocity and spray bar axial position are studied, to estimate droplet velocities and temperatures for different size distributions for supercooled droplets in the IWT test section. Furthermore, the preliminary temperature measurements of large droplets under FZDZ conditions inside RTA’s large IWT are evaluated.
Over the course of one week, the droplet temperatures have been successfully measured in the icing wind tunnel at TUBS. Real time measurements have been realized under adjustment of IWT settings in order to vary spray parameters such as: MVD, LWC, air temperature and velocity. The results show that the droplet temperature is a complex function of all these parameters. The measurements have been essentially focused on droplets with a MVD between 20 μm and 60 μm, permitting comparisons with numerical simulations. Moreover, some measurements have been carried out for SLD with MVD larger than 100 μm.
FZDZ studies, which have been performed during a two-day measurement period at RTA, IWT (Vienna, Austria) have been strongly perturbated by water condensation on the GRT recording lens. Nevertheless, measurements have been successfully carried out for one case.