The scope of this deliverable is to provide a summary of the improvements performed by facilities during the first part of the program to achieve the capability to generate SLD cloud conditions focused on the Freezing Drizzle (FZDZ) envelope in compliance with FAA 14 CFR Part 25 and EASA CS-25 Appendix O. At the beginning of the program, six wind tunnel owners were involved in the ICE-GENESIS Work Package 6 (SLD Test Capability), CIRA, MINDEF, RTA, TUBS, TSAGI, and CIAM. However, the partnership with TSAGI and CIAM was terminated for geopolitical reasons in 2022. Moreover, MINDEF also discontinued its activities in ICE-GENESIS due to an incompatibility between the program's activity plans and their owns. Therefore, from the original target of improving all the European facilities for SLD capability, the CIRA-IWT was the only one accomplishing this task, considering the RTA Icing Wind Tunnel had completed its improvement with the spray bar upgrading capabilities to the SLD cloud before the beginning of the ICE-GENESIS program. Therefore, this report highlights the main steps accomplished by CIRA during the selection of new spray nozzles to use as retrofit of the one available in the Spray Bar System (SBS), aiming to reproduce the SLD cloud with features close to the requested SLD freezing drizzle conditions. The report underlines the importance of the simulation model to characterize the bi-phase flow, whether in the spray nozzles or the tunnel test leg, to identify better the spray nozzle layout on the SBS that may help provide qualitative information on main parameters achievable in the reference area of the test section such as the cloud uniformity, droplet temperature. Different SBS configurations have been partially characterized during the measurement phases of the calibration campaign to validate the strategy used to maintain a PSD close to the requirement with a range of low LWCs in compliance with the requirement. The results of this effort have been synthesized in this report.

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